Boost your team
productivity with Wisk Cloud

Connect multiple tools, receive smart updates, analyse problems from just one platform
Long-life free licence for a team with up to 30 team members
Be the first to learn about our updates, meetups and more
Find all your tasks on one dashboard
We provide integration with multiple project management tools as well as tools for communication. Find all your tasks in one place and receive smart notifications whenever your attention is needed.
“It’s the right product in the right time. Simply the best manager assistant”
Trevor Lane
Director of Technology, CreativeGIG
See all the project tasks grouped by assignees
Our dashboard provides multiple options for viewing the tasks including by assignees, Get a clear picture of what everyone is working on.
Clear overview of everyone’s tasks
Daily plan for every team member
Get smart notifications whenever something needs your attention
We analysed problems that project managers face every day and prepared workflows to seemlessly track team tasks and notify you when an action might be needed.
Task exceeds original estimate
Task does not change status for a long time
Task priority has changed
There is a blocker for the task
Task overdue
Tasks not assigned
Too many tasks on user
User is free for new tasks
Active Customers
Ratings on TrustPilot
The only platform that provides project managers with complete visibility of the team status.
Make the wise decision for your business
Choose from our affordable 3 packages
Best for small business owners who want to boost their team productivity
Best for medium business owners, who want to boost their team productivity
Best for large companies and business owners, who want to boost their team productivity
0$ for first 20 seats, 5$ per seat above
40$ + 5$ per seat, 15 free seats per tool
What’s included:
15 Free Seats per Tool
10$ for extra Seat
What’s included:
100 free Seats
200$ monthly subscription
10$ for extra Seat
24h Support
Best for Medium Sales Teams
What’s included:
up to 500 team members
Made with TailwindCSS
Premium Support
Future Updates
/Per Month
/Per Month
Custom Pricing
Best for Developers, Freelancers
Our happy clients say about us
2,157 people have said how good Rareblocks
“With Wisk I am able to see exactly what’s going on in our team at the moment and adjust things accordingly on time”
Leslie Alexander
Senior Sales Manager
“Simply the best. Wisk has reimagined how projects are managed nowadays. I see all the importnat updates at once. No more micromanagement!”
Jacob Jones
Digital Marketer
“I cannot believe that I have got such a great manager assistant. Wisk helps us every day seemlessly navigating the team.
Jenny Wilson
Project Manager
Check all 2,157 reviews
Meet Our Team
The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and make our clients happy
  • Max Holden
    Founder & Art Director
  • Eva Stark
    Customer Support
  • Julia Bush
    Design Director
  • Carlos Lott
    Marketing Director
© 2023 Wisk
Wisk Cloud
We will be happy to stay in touch and answer your questions
Wisk Cloud
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